Offering IWMS & CAFM software for your ever-changing business needs
We are proud to offer businesses, organizations, and companies the opportunity to make their everyday tasks so much easier. We aim to streamline all processes within your business.
Collectiveview provides a solution for the hectic daily routine many companies face.
Collectiveview brings many years of software experience and facility management best practices to the table. We know what works, and we happily provide each and every business with customizable CAFM software or IWMS software. We understand not all businesses are the same, so why would we provide software that is?
Unlike many other systems, the management software provided by Collectiveview is not hard-coded with a set database. Instead, it’s a living, breathing, organic system that evolves and adapts to your changing needs without programming or additional fees. We are confident our system can completely revolutionize your workplace on many levels, all for less than the cost of an employee on a monthly basis. Our CAFM software and IWMS software is all you need to run your business from anywhere, at any time, using any platform. It’s that easy.
Our CAFM Software & IWMS Software
Collectiveview can turn any business on the brink of organizational chaos into a properly functioning, well-oiled machine. Here is a breakdown of our services and their functionality.
Moving anything within a business or corporation can be a logistical nightmare. The modern workplace requires flexibility, and this comes in the form of asset, staff, and environment shifting. Without help, the entire process is unnecessarily chaotic. This is where our viewMAC software can assist your processes.
What normally would cause headaches for management can now become a smooth operation thanks to our IWMS Software and CAFM software. Whether you’re relocating your entire corporation or making internal changes to assets and staff, our viewMAC software can help.
ViewMAC cuts through the complexity and the changes of the modern workplace. With ViewMAC, you can seamlessly coordinate moving, changing, or adding employees and assets with little or no disruption to your daily operations. It allows all parties involved to receive real time updates, naturally facilitating accurate and timely moves. Read Even More
It’s a well-known fact that a well-oiled machine functions better and costs less. When your facility maintenance is scheduled and tracked by our exclusive viewWORK software, your daily operations can see a dramatic reduction in unexpected equipment or personnel downtime.
ViewWORK enables you to collect service requests, track approval status, manage service vendors, dispatch data, and capture performance metrics all while using our flexible online interface that quickly adapts to your business processes. This translates into more effective day-to-day operation, increasing uptime, improving customer service and satisfaction, and reducing overall cost. Read Even More
Those well-oiled machines we spoke of in viewWORK, must also know where everything should be. This translates into the literal workspace at your company. viewSPACE makes every space count. This piece of our IWMS Software lets you take control of your entire physical space inventory including:
locating personnel and departments for space planning and occupancy chargebacks allocations
viewSPACE aids in reducing costs and increasing accuracy and visibility to effectively manage space today, and in the future. Read Even More
There’s more to a business than its everyday operations. There are also finances. Did you know real estate is one of the largest expenses a company in this day and age will have? This means there needs to be a way to manage every small detail. viewLEASE is our solution to this ever present problem. Our viewLEASE software can help you with:
common area maintenance charge calculations rent step-up analysis critical date notifications insurance clause monitoring management of option expirations
If these details are not managed in a professional environment, it could end up costing you money. By opting for Collectiveview’s viewLEASE software, you are choosing an easier way. Our CAFM software combines the logic of real estate portfolio data management, the art of intuitive software design, and the science of network-based information management technology to effectively manage today’s complex real estate portfolios. Read Even More